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MightyMouse - Version 1.05
Who reads documentation? Not me, or at least not unless I have problems.
If you're like that, then you'll like MightyMouse. The documentation is
build into the configuration program (MightyConfig) as online help.
To Install MightyMouse:
1. Copy MightyMouse & MightyConfig to your boot disk's C: directory.
They can be in any directory. C: is probably the easiest to use.
Copy MightyConfig.info into the same directory as MightyConfig,
if you want an ICON to activate from.
2. Modify your StartUp-Sequence to execute MightyMouse. MightyMouse
will run and detach itself from your CLI so that it may continue.
3. Modify your S:Shell-StartUp and/or S:CLI-StartUp procs. Add all
of your Paths defined in your StartUp-Sequeunce to this proc.
MightyMouse is a process not a CLI Task. Any CLI or Shell that
is created by MightyMouse will only receive the default Paths,
unless these changes are made.
4. ReBoot your System. This activates MightyMouse.
5. Run MightyConfig. Read the online help/documentation.
Planned Improvements:
We're planning on improvements and additions. The following are being
considered at this time:
1. Snap like functionality. I want a single Mouse program in the
system, not three or more input handlers all chained together.
The problem is just how much larger can the handler (MightyMouse)
grow and still be useful to A500 single disk owners?
2. Recording & Playback of a set of input events. This includes
mouse and keyboard input.
3. Rewrite the actual Input Handler part of MightyMouse in Assembler
to improve effiency and reduce size.
Thank You:
To Commodore, Peter Cherna ,for supplying 2.0 Dos information.
To my beta testers: Bob Pleatman & Rick Herbig.
You may contact me by Fido-Net at: The Cafe BBS 1:108/245
Bob Stouder
U.S. Mail address is: Bob Stouder
8165 Mellowtone Ct
W. Chester Oh, 45069